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Connected Shopfloor

Transform your shopfloor into a digital Shopfloor, connect with ERP and CRM systems, and accelerate your journey to becoming a Sustainability champion.



Gain insights about vital production performance, efficiency, and quality.  Go a step further by offering production insights to your Customers.

Monitoring production progress, work completion, rework, return, and quality data is essential to manufacturing. Still, actionable insights can be divided into machine, work center, production line, and plant-level critical visibility and actions. Take actions to improve the product quality and equipment effectiveness and increase the throughput of the production lines.

Connected Shopfloor Conceptual Diagram

Solution Components

Roadmap to Connected Shopfloor

  • Overall shopfloor process map
  • Understanding key pain points and bottlenecks
  • Establishing measurement indicators (key and leading)
  • Establishing a digital baseline of the machines
  • Recommended data collection points
  • Establishing data collection methods

Configure IOT and Data Collection Devices

  • Confirming suitable devices to collect data
  • Establishing OPC standards
  • Configure devices, establish connectivity
  • Testing integrations of machines, devices, and network
  • Refine integration baselines

Establish Integration with ERP and CRM

  • Integrate production schedules with the machine
  • Record and validate data captured through the interface
  • Establish task-level instructions over time
  • Configure rules and adapt them to suit the environment
  • Review and resolve exceptions

AI Enabled Shopfloor Analytics

  • Utilise AI-enabled insights from the shopfloor data
  • Create shopfloor improvement strategies
  • Personalise insights based on role, machines, lines, and facilities
  • Deployment on mobiles, kiosks, and other display devices
  • Create conversations using natural language interfaces

Become a Sustainability Champion

  • Establish product traceability
  • Capture and measure consumption
  • Leverage data to remove waste
  • Create reports to meet compliance requirements
  • Show progress, become a sustainable and Net Zero environment

Value Proposition

Our Connected Shopfloor solution goes beyond the traditional IOT solutions. It harnesses the power of CRM and ERP applications, aligns your operations to demand, and offers enhanced customer services.
Connected Shopfloor Value Proposition
  • Powerful software application and hardware devices ecosystem
  • Ready to use machine integration library
  • Configurable engine for configuring complex routines and rules
  • Data model and integration library, including ERP and CRM
  • AI-enabled insights and decisions management
Let us inspire your next transformation

Great results are achieved when people talk, share ideas and look to find answers collaboratively.